I know, I know - it's Glastonbury, the festival of all festivals, this weekend and that's the thing everyone's talking about. But I've been to one of the numerous festivals in Germany last weekend and I thought it would be nice to tell you about that.
I've mainly been there to work, so I haven't seen as many bands as the "normal" visitors, but I've seen quite a few and especially some I really liked, so I've still got something to report.
Have you been to a festival before? I haven't. I never really wanted to. I was always looking at the line-up of several festivals thinking "Oh that sounds amazing". But then I thought of how much money I'd have to spend and about how I'd have to spend my nights in a tent - I'm not really the camping type of person - and decided not to go.
Now I "had to go" because of work. Therefore I've not had the full festival experience: I slept in a hotel, I was working and hanging around backstage and only saw some of the acts in my breaks or after work.