That's what it says on the back of the penguin edition and surely a good short introduction to the book.
The story itself is quite good and I'm sure that the simple thought of an invisible man running around town threatening people was very scary indeed in 1897. I reckon nowadays it has lost a bit of it's frightfullness somehow, but it's still alright.
The whole story shows how the wish of being invisible, which probably every child has at least once, can turn into something bad and drive you insane once you're actually invisible. And it might also refer to scientific discoveries in general. You have to mind the consequences and think every thing through.
What's also good about the story is the confrontation of Griffin the rather mad and evil scientist and Dr. Kemp, the good one, who is strongly against science that's lacking morality. Kemp is my favourite character in the book and especially one quote stuck to my mind:
“I never blame anyone," said Kemp. "It's quite out of fashion.”Thank you for that, Mr. Wells. It's so true. Don't always blame other people, act responsible and you won't have to.

Nevertheless this one is also another story of what someone would do, if one gets thrown into a very unlikely situation and that's what I like about it and about H.G. Wells in general.
His stories are not really about great scientific inventions, they're more about the people being confronted with it. He throws his characters into very unlikely situations and then examines how they behave.
This act of studying his characters and the progress they're making if it's in a good or bad way is what I like about Wells' books and that is also why I'll continue reading them even though this experience was a bit of a dreadful one. Maybe the next one from the box will be a more exciting one.
Have you read any of H.G. Wells books? Did you like them? Let me know in the comments.
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