Finally I found time to write about this film, I wanted to do it for weeks. Now I finally sat down to write this post with the music of "Interstellar" in the background. I thought it's fitting to listen to the music of the film I'm writing about, especially because it's one of the things which makes the film wonderful. But more about that later.
I don't know whether it makes sense to write a lot about the plot or not, thus if you want to know bout the plot read it over here on IMDb. Or maybe you know it already, because you've watched the film as well. I'm just going to tell you, that the film is about interstellar travel, worm holes and black holes, saving humanity and about how people's lives are affected by it.
"Interstellar" is not just a film, it's an experience - and it's a mind-bending one. I'd say the film is not for everyone, because it needs a bit of thinking and it gets quite emotionally heavy in some parts, but for me it was just perfect. It got something in it for every part of me.
"A December Without..." Tag
Hello my friends,
that's something very different to what I normally do, but I got tagged to do this by the lovely Luu, whose Blog you find over here.
The question is "What are the five things you can't live without in December?". According to the theme of my blog I changed it a bit and turned it into five films and five songs, I hope that's alright.
The five films that are my favourites for December are of corse Christmas ones. Here you go:
I don't want to tag anyone specific, but if you read this post and have a blog on your own, feel tagged by me! (And link your posts in the comments, thus I can read them.)
I hope you all enjoy watching Christmas films and listening to Christmas songs these days. What are your favourites? I'm happy to read your comments.
that's something very different to what I normally do, but I got tagged to do this by the lovely Luu, whose Blog you find over here.
The question is "What are the five things you can't live without in December?". According to the theme of my blog I changed it a bit and turned it into five films and five songs, I hope that's alright.
The five films that are my favourites for December are of corse Christmas ones. Here you go:
- Miracle on 34th Street
- Love, Actually
- Christmas Vacation
- Joyeux Noel
- The Santa Clause
- I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day by Wizzard
- White Christmas by Bing Crosby
- Thank God It's Christmas by Queen
- Do They Know It's Christmas? by Band Aid
- That's a special one: It's a Christmas song mashup by Bastille, which they did last Christmas and I really like it. You can't listen/watch it below.
I hope you all enjoy watching Christmas films and listening to Christmas songs these days. What are your favourites? I'm happy to read your comments.
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VS. Other People's Heartache Part III - Bastille
Here's something I was looking forward to for quite a while now. Bastille's new mixtape VS. (Other People's Heartache Part III). As you presumably know they're one of my favourite artists and therefore I'm always very excited to hear new music from them.
Even though it's less really new songs than ecpected it is still brilliant! I'm lying, it is six and a half new songs, only the first one were heard on other records in different versions previously. The half one is the cut off rap part from Torn Apart, don't get confused. The songs just don't feel new to me, because most of them were played on radio before and I listened to them a lot, because I really liked them and couldn't stop.
Even though it's less really new songs than ecpected it is still brilliant! I'm lying, it is six and a half new songs, only the first one were heard on other records in different versions previously. The half one is the cut off rap part from Torn Apart, don't get confused. The songs just don't feel new to me, because most of them were played on radio before and I listened to them a lot, because I really liked them and couldn't stop.
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Midnight in Paris
Normally I don't get Woody Allen's films and I don't like them, but this one was amusing, fascinating and quite brilliant.
Somehow I've got to thank Netflix for making me watch it. I wondered why it always showed up in my suggestions on what to watch, especially because all I watched on Netflix lately were some Sci-Fi/Fantasy films, Orange is the New Black, Sherlock and Doctor Who. But maybe it was the latter which brought it up, because of the time travel. But seriously, I wanted to watch it after Allen won an Oscar for writing it, but I forgot about the film and I'm glad I've finally seen it.
I already mentioned time travel, maybe I should tell you a bit about the film. It's said to be a romantic comedy, but it's not what you think, it's not that typical boy meets girl and falls in love one. It's more of an adventure, a journey.
Somehow I've got to thank Netflix for making me watch it. I wondered why it always showed up in my suggestions on what to watch, especially because all I watched on Netflix lately were some Sci-Fi/Fantasy films, Orange is the New Black, Sherlock and Doctor Who. But maybe it was the latter which brought it up, because of the time travel. But seriously, I wanted to watch it after Allen won an Oscar for writing it, but I forgot about the film and I'm glad I've finally seen it.
I already mentioned time travel, maybe I should tell you a bit about the film. It's said to be a romantic comedy, but it's not what you think, it's not that typical boy meets girl and falls in love one. It's more of an adventure, a journey.
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Every Other Freckle - Alt-J
Today I've got a little music advice for you again. It's about a song by a band I really like. In summer they released their second album and I want you to give the latest single of this album a chance, because it is fantastic.
The song I'm talking about is called "Every Other Freckle" and the band is Alt-J. It's a very unique song, has an electronic vibe and is somehow unsettling, but very, very cool. You can listen to it on Spotify at the end of this post.
The song I'm talking about is called "Every Other Freckle" and the band is Alt-J. It's a very unique song, has an electronic vibe and is somehow unsettling, but very, very cool. You can listen to it on Spotify at the end of this post.
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Orange Is The New Black
When I was ill and in bed a few weeks ago, I decided, that it's time to watch a new series. And as I just started my Netflix subscription back then, I thought it might be a good idea to watch one of their original series, as I heard a lot of people saying they're great.
So I started watching "Orange Is The New Black" and I got hooked. Two weeks later I had watched all two seasons and can't wait to see the third one, when it arrives.

The series is about Piper Chapma, who's bisexual and living in New York with her (male) fiancé. She's sentenced to 15 month in a women's prison for transporting drug money for her former girlfriend Alex Vause, an international drug smuggler. The crime happened ten years ago and by the time Piper got sentenced he already lived with her new partner in New York and had a totally different life as a manager.
So I started watching "Orange Is The New Black" and I got hooked. Two weeks later I had watched all two seasons and can't wait to see the third one, when it arrives.

The series is about Piper Chapma, who's bisexual and living in New York with her (male) fiancé. She's sentenced to 15 month in a women's prison for transporting drug money for her former girlfriend Alex Vause, an international drug smuggler. The crime happened ten years ago and by the time Piper got sentenced he already lived with her new partner in New York and had a totally different life as a manager.
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Never Been Better - Olly Murs
It's the fourth studio album by one of my favourite artists, English singer-songwriter Olly Murs. It's called "Never Been Better" and it's a good one! The song writing is great and it's a bit of a redefinition of the musician Olly Murs, but without loosing his happy and charming personality.
The album is even better than the last one from two years ago (the title's kind of right there), but honestly I still love the first one the most. But maybe I just have to get used to the "new" sound.
There's a variety of songs, some of them make me dance around the flat ("Did You Miss Me", "Wrapped Up", "Stick With Me") and some of them nearly make me cry ("Nothing Without You", "Tomorrow").
The album is even better than the last one from two years ago (the title's kind of right there), but honestly I still love the first one the most. But maybe I just have to get used to the "new" sound.
There's a variety of songs, some of them make me dance around the flat ("Did You Miss Me", "Wrapped Up", "Stick With Me") and some of them nearly make me cry ("Nothing Without You", "Tomorrow").
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The 1975 at Täubchenthal Leipzig
I listened to some of their songs before, but at the point when I knew I was going to see them I started to really listen to the whole album over and over again and I kind of fell in love with it.
But then, my right foot got into the way, because I broke it and I wasn't able to attend any concerts for half a year or so. Therefore no The 1975 for me.
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Starter For 10
Here's to me getting easily obsessed with people, especially with actors who I really like. When I see one who's acting is brilliant I want to watch every film they're in.
That's why I watched "Starter for 10", because of James McAvoy and Benedict Cumberbatch.
It's been fun but not brilliant at least not very deep. But you can have a nice evening watching it.
That's why I watched "Starter for 10", because of James McAvoy and Benedict Cumberbatch.
It's been fun but not brilliant at least not very deep. But you can have a nice evening watching it.
The film is about a boy, Brian (James McAvoy), who gets into college and has to say goodbye to his old friends and settle in in the new environment. To get together with some people and because he's been a fan of University Challenge since he was a little boy, Brian joines the quiz team of the university, which takes part in the challenge.
He falls for the pretty Alice (Alice Eve), who is also on the team, but he also likes to spend time with Rebecca (Rebecca Hall), with whom he has more in common, but she's a little Geek and on the first look not as pretty as Alice.

Not only is Brian torn between these two women, but he's also caught between his new life at a posh college and his old working-class life at home.
The set up shows the struggles of the life of a student, not the academic ones, but the ones concerning the private life. And it's very relatable, when you are or have been to university.
This relatability and the funny and also the sad scenes troughout the film make it a good watch, even though you'll know very early in the film, how it will end.
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Passenger at Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt
weekend I've been to Frankfurt with one of my best friends to see Passenger.
When she at first asked me, if I wanted to come with her, I was a bit sceptic
if I really want to. Don't get me wrong, I really, really like Mike’s music. I
just didn’t know, if his concerts were fun, because it’s such chilled out and
quiet music. But I decided to give it a try.
And I
wasn’t disappointed. It was a brilliant mix between his very slow and sad songs
and some of the livelier song, which got the audience clapping. And he didn't
just play his new songs, but also some of his old ones.
He also
sang a song (“Start a Fire”) with his support act – The Once. They were really
good as well and had nice voices, even though I wasn’t too much into their
music – genre-wise. A bit too folksy… But Passenger and them together sounded
great, you can watch a little video of it at the end of this post.
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Broken Clocks - Arches
Thanks to Twitter I've found a new band, which I really like. They've got an EP out at the moment which is called "Broken Clocks". You can listen to it on soundcloud.
The guys from Glasgow make what I'd call catchy Indie Rock. They remind me a bit of Biffy Clyro, maybe it's just the Scottish way of making music, which I really, really like.
I especially love the song "Like Fireworks". It's a bit of a sad song, but it gets to you and it's the right song for relaxing or when your on a walk outside in the sun. But not a happy kind of song that makes you jump along the way, it's more that doleful song, that makes you realise that the world is beautiful today.
"So open your eyes", go outside and enjoy some beautiful music!
The guys from Glasgow make what I'd call catchy Indie Rock. They remind me a bit of Biffy Clyro, maybe it's just the Scottish way of making music, which I really, really like.
I especially love the song "Like Fireworks". It's a bit of a sad song, but it gets to you and it's the right song for relaxing or when your on a walk outside in the sun. But not a happy kind of song that makes you jump along the way, it's more that doleful song, that makes you realise that the world is beautiful today.
"So open your eyes", go outside and enjoy some beautiful music!
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Könnt ihr Englisch?!
Hey Ihr lieben.
Da ich einige englische Freunde habe, die auch gerne meinen Blog lesen wollen, habe ich beschlossen ab sofort auf Englisch weiter zu schreiben. Ich hoffe ihr könnt das alle verstehen, da ich im Moment leider keine Zeit habe zweisprachig zu schreiben. Wenn ihr euch das allerdings wünscht, werde ich versuchen es zu tun :) Sagt einfach bescheid!
Ich hoffe Ihr bleibt mir treu!
Eure Julia
Da ich einige englische Freunde habe, die auch gerne meinen Blog lesen wollen, habe ich beschlossen ab sofort auf Englisch weiter zu schreiben. Ich hoffe ihr könnt das alle verstehen, da ich im Moment leider keine Zeit habe zweisprachig zu schreiben. Wenn ihr euch das allerdings wünscht, werde ich versuchen es zu tun :) Sagt einfach bescheid!
Ich hoffe Ihr bleibt mir treu!
Eure Julia
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Goodness Gracious - Ellie Goulding

Die neue Single von Ellie Goulding heißt "Goodness Gracious" und ist im Januar erschienen.
Sie ist aus dem Album "Halcyon Days", dem Rerelease von Ellies zweitem Album "Halcyon". Das Lied klingt etwas anders als die Songs, die auf der ersten Veröffentlichung des Albums zu hören waren. Es ist fröhlicher und klingt glücklicher.
Ellie, die letzte Woche einen BRIT Award als beste britische Künsterlin gewonnen hat, sagt selbst, die neuen Songs auf der Neuveröffentlichung würden aus einer glücklicheren Phase ihres Lebens stammen und sie denke das merke man auch. Und da hat sie recht.
Ich finde es echt schade, dass es das Lied bisher nicht in die deutschen Charts geschafft hat, denn es ist ein wirklich schönes gute Laune Lied. Und das Video beinhaltet fröhliches Getanze und blinkende Schuhe, irgendwie süß. Schaut selbst:
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Oscar Woche - Die Verleihung
Ich möchte euch nicht mit einer Berichterstattung über die Verleihung langweilen, dazu bin ich zum einen zu müde und zum andern haben diejenigen, die es interessiert sich sicherlich entweder die Verleihung selbst angesehen oder die Highlights, oder nicht?
Zunächst das Wichtigste, die Liste der Gewinner findet ihr hier. Bei meinen Tipps für die besten Darsteller hatte ich ja nicht gerade Glück, aber zumindest lag ich mit dem Besten Film richtig. Danke 12 Years a Slave! :)
Insgesamt hatte ich bei unserem Tippspiel 12 Kategorien richtig, das ist immerhin die Hälfte (und
Zunächst das Wichtigste, die Liste der Gewinner findet ihr hier. Bei meinen Tipps für die besten Darsteller hatte ich ja nicht gerade Glück, aber zumindest lag ich mit dem Besten Film richtig. Danke 12 Years a Slave! :)
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Steve McQueen jubelt über den Sieg seines Films "12 Years a Slave" gemeinsam mit Cast und Crew. |
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Oscar Woche - Die möglichen besten Hauptdarsteller/innen
Leider hatte ich diese Woche nicht so viel Zeit wie ich dachte, aber ich möchte euch auf jeden Fall noch kurz die Nominierten in den Kategorien für die Hauptdarsteller vorstellen. Und ich bin natürlich gespannt auf eure Tipps.
Bester Hauptdarsteller:
Bester Hauptdarsteller:
- Christian Bale ("American Hustle"). Es ist seine zweite Nominierung, das letzte Mal hat er gewonnen, als bester Nebendarsteller in "The Fighter".
- Bruce Dern ("Nebraska"). 1978 war er als bester Nebendarsteller für seine Rolle in "Coming Home" nominiert.
- Leonardo DiCaprio ("The Wolf of Wall Street"). Für ihn ist es die vierte Nominierung, die vorherigen waren als Nebendarsteller in "What's eating Gilbert Grape" und als Hauptdarsteller in "Blood Diamond" und "The Aviator".
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Oscar Woche - Die Nominierten für den besten Film

Deshalb möchte ich euch kurz die Filme vorstellen, die als bester Film nominiert sind:
- American Hustle: Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) verdient das große Geld als Trickbetrüger. Doch seine Partnerin Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) bringt die beiden durch eine Unachtsamkeit in das Fadenkreuz des FBI. Um die Strafe zu mindern, gehen die beiden einen deal mit dem FBI Agenten
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Die BRIT-Awards 2014

grandiose Performances von internationalen Stars wie
Was ich persönlich von den Auftritten am aufregendsten fand, waren die Kollaborationen, die extra für die Preisverleihung zustande kamen. Zum einen taten sich Disclosure, Aluna (von AlunaGeorge) und Lorde zusammen, um Royals und White Noise zu performen. Leider nicht ganz
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The Hole - Die geheimnisvolle Falltür
Erstmal aber kurz worum es geht:
Schon nach kurzer Zeit müssen sie zu ihrem Erschrecken feststellen, dass dem Loch übernatürliche
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If You Wait - London Grammar

Die Songs des Albums klingen sehr etherisch, ruhig, mit einem schönen Raumklang. Die Stimme der Sängerin Hannah Reid ist sehr angenehm und hat eine angenehme Klangfarbe. Die Musik an sich eher klassisch angehaucht und lebt von vielen Halleffekten. Besonders schön finde ich "Strong", die Single, die auch in Deutschland erschienen ist. Die anderen Lieder klingen zwar ähnlich, aber jedes hat seine Besonderheiten. Und im Falle dieses Albums ist die leichte Monotonie der Lieder nicht störend, sondern macht es zu einem sehr
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Kleine Ergänzung zu meinem Post heute morgen:
Die Folge von heute macht die Serie noch viel mehr sehenswert! Ich bin quasi immer noch ein wenig geschockt von allem was passiert ist (ich verrate jetzt natürlich nicht was das ist, ich will euch ja nicht die Aufregung rauben).
Ihr verpasst auf jeden Fall etwas, wenn ihr es euch nicht anschaut!
Die Folge von heute macht die Serie noch viel mehr sehenswert! Ich bin quasi immer noch ein wenig geschockt von allem was passiert ist (ich verrate jetzt natürlich nicht was das ist, ich will euch ja nicht die Aufregung rauben).
Ihr verpasst auf jeden Fall etwas, wenn ihr es euch nicht anschaut!
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Serie: Sherlock (BBC)
Als ich zuerst auf der BBC Website, die ich dank meiner Doctor Who Besessenheit des Öfteren besuche, las, dass es eine Serie geben werde, die Sherlock Holmes in der heutigen Zeit zeigt, dachte ich das könne ja nichts werden. Das war vor geschätzten vier Jahren. Seitdem habe ich mit anderen Fans gemeinsam gebannt immer wieder lange Zeit auf neue Folgen
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Die Eiskönigin - Völlig unverfroren

Als gefühlt einziger Erwachsener Mensch ohne Begleitung von mindestens einem Kind im Kindergarten- bis Grundschulalter, kam ich mir zunächst etwas komisch vor. Doch der Film erwies sich auch für Erwachsene als amüsant, auch wenn einem das Gesinge ein wenig auf die Nerven gehen kann.
Die Geschichte basiert auf dem Märchen "Die Schneekönigin" von Hans Christian Andersen, bzw. lies sich wohl eher davon inspirieren. Die eigentliche Story des
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